To keep your online shop running smoothly, it's important to have the right legal agreements in place to protect your business and your profits. Here are the top three contracts you need to have in order to keep your online shop safe and secure:
1. Privacy Policy + Cookies Pop-Up
We all know how important privacy is to maintain customer trust, but did you also consider the risk of litigation? If someone has a complaint about their data being compromised on your site or app—and they can prove it was collected without permission--you could be opening yourself up for hefty fines. So protect yourself by including a Privacy Policy in both places where people are likely going look first (e-commerce sites) AND within any landing pages that may trigger an action from users like a sign-up form!
The Cookies Pop-Up will give visitors to your website notice that you track cookies and should be visible immediately upon accessing your site.
2. Terms of Purchase
The Terms of Purchase govern the sale of goods and services on your website or online shop. You need one whether the products you sell are digital or physical. They set out the rules and regulations that apply to the purchase of your products or services. This is important because it ensures that both you and your customers understand the terms of the transaction, and helps to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.
Important clauses that are covered in a Terms of Purchase include your refund and chargeback policies, shipping terms or delivery of goods, intellectual property ownership, and non-delivery of goods among others.
3. Website Terms of Use
The Terms of Use for your website or online shop govern how visitors can use your site. They set out what visitors can and cannot do on your site, and help to protect your business from liability. This is important because it helps to ensure that only those who agree to abide by your rules can access and use your site.
By having these three contracts in place, you can be sure that your online shop is protected from potential legal risks.
To make your entrepreneurial life exceptionally easy, we have templated these three and dropped them into special bundles for you!
Access the Bundle for E-Commerce shops with physical products Access the Bundle for shops with digital products like templates and courses
If you have any questions about these contracts, or need help drafting them, be sure to speak with an experienced business lawyer.
Happy Selling!-Amber