In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s no secret that growing your business on social media can be a huge part of growing your business. It’s where you can generate new leads, build a community and even make a majority of your sales.
I’ve seen this to be true in my own online business, but even with the amazing benefits and opportunities that social media provides, it can also be overwhelming, demanding and draining, especially as a business owner who already has numerous responsibilities to juggle.
There’s the constant pressure to keep up with those around you, always be creating captivating content, responding to notifications and don’t even get me started on the ever-changing algorithms… 🙄
All of these things combined on an ongoing basis can quickly lead to burnout if you’re not careful and if you’re a business owner, burnout is a dangerous place to be.
The GOOD news is that there is a way you can grow on social media and successfully build your business through these channels without sacrificing your mental and emotional well-being.
In this blog post, I’m giving you a behind the scenes look into The Boutique Lawyer and letting you in on my most treasured social media secret (that isn’t so secret after all) so you can experience the magic that social media has to offer while leaving burn out behind – because let’s be real: you don’t have time for that!
Behind The Scenes with The Boutique Lawyer:
Social Media Edition
As a small business owner myself who generates most of my sales and leads from Instagram, I know how important it is to create engaging content, connect with your audience and grow your brand.
Social media is a very powerful tool that really can catapult your business in a direction that you never even imagined possible. I’ve personally experienced that as my Instagram following has quadrupled in the last year.

While I LOVE seeing this growth and can definitely see how marketing on social media has made such an impact in my business, I also know that being glued to your phone day in and day out isn’t an option.
In addition to being a business owner, you also hold other roles and outside of your work there are things that need your attention… and keeping up with what’s trending and what’s not probably doesn’t fall at the top of your list. (It doesn’t for me at least!)
Maybe you’re a parent with a small army of kids that need to be in a thousand different places at once. (ahem, welcome to my life 😂)
Or maybe you’re newly married and are trying to keep your marriage thriving while also trying to keep your business afloat.
Or maybe you’re happily kicking it solo and you’re far more interested in making it to your 8am Pilates class on time than learning how Instagram changed overnight.
Whatever your scenario may be, the point is that you have FAR more things to do and worry about than *just* your social media platforms.
So, what’s the happy medium?
How can you leverage the power of social media so you can experience the amazing benefits that often come with showing up consistently on platforms AND live your dang life…
WITHOUT having to be camera ready every single day or block out hours on your calendar each week to create content?!
Well, my friend, I found the ✨ social media secret. ✨
And I’m so happy to let you know that it’s not so much of a secret after all because YOU can have it, too.
My friend Manu from Your Social Team is what I consider to be a social media machine and she created Your Template Club – a subscription of Canva templates for Instagram - that changed the way I think about and create social media content.
Prior to discovering this absolute magic, just the thought of sitting down to create content for Instagram stressed me the heck out.
It was so overwhelming to come up with a content plan, create graphics, find trending sounds, record the content, write captions and then finally publish or schedule the posts.
I’m exhausted just reading that.
If you can relate to this never ending cycle of knowing you need to post, not knowing what to post, trying to create something on Canva, getting overwhelmed and not posting at all, first: know you’re not alone. This feeling is totally normal!
But second, hear me say this: FIX THE PROBLEM!
If you let yourself stay in this cycle, it will manifest into other parts of your business (and even your life) and cause you to show up less than who you really want to be.
Before I started using Your Template Club as a way to plan and create my social media content, I was using any extra time I could find for content creation.
I felt so pressured to get “camera ready” daily just in case I had time to film a Reel.
I spent hours trying to perfect my Canva graphics so that they would look cute enough to produce engagement while still delivering valuable content.
I was catching myself telling my kids to “hold on” because “mom is creating content” when I should’ve been present in the moment at home.
Little did I know, it doesn’t have to be that way and you CAN grow on social media without sacrificing other parts of your life or business AND without totally burning out.
Now I know the better way and I don’t plan on turning back – and I invite you to join me!
With Your Template Club, you get to stay ahead of the trends and strategies and have access to 2,000+ Canva templates for Instagram, new templates added bi-weekly, demo videos and tutorials and most importantly: 10-20 hours of your time back! 🙌🏻
Your Template Club only opens a few times each year, so to make sure you’re in the know for when doors open next, join the waitlist HERE, and in the meantime download 5 free Canva Reel templates that you can use immediately (no face required 😏).
If you’re curious what these templates look like in action, head on over to The Boutique Lawyer on Instagram – my entire feed is thanks to them. 😂
P.S. This blog post contains affiliate links, but I only ever recommend products or services that I love and use myself!